Our Kingdom Position — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Our Kingdom Position

My wife and I are friends with a couple from another country. They are adherents of a different religious faith, and know very little about Christianity. We do have discussions about the Christian faith, however, and they are aware I travel to different countries for that purpose.

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ambassador for christ

A few days ago my wife was talking to a lady she only knew casually, who also knew our aforementioned friend. After exchanging pleasantries, this lady asked my wife if I was an ambassador. My wife, confused, asked her why she thought that, and she said it was because the friend from another country had told her that I was an ambassador.

My wife and I chuckled at the thought. After thinking more about it though, we realized our friend from a different faith simply knew I went to other countries and spoke about Jesus. She did not know my title or what I did, but she knew I was representing Jesus in other countries. To her, this was the work of an ambassador, and that was the best way she could describe what I did.

Our friend may have a better understanding of what my position is than I did. According to 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul speaks of his and all believers’ position as an “ambassador for Christ”. 

the kingdom position

Paul says we represent and speak for Christ to others who are foreign to Him. We have been given the message to speak, the authority to speak it, and the commissioning to go. It is our official position in the Kingdom.  It is our ministry, our purpose, and our position. It is who we are and what we do. Among the titles we have in Christ, we are not only Children of God, the Body of Christ, The Bride of Christ, witnesses, disciples, and joint-heirs with Christ, but we are also Ambassadors for Christ. 

The position of an ambassador is a position of great importance, great trust, and great honor. Therefore, let’s be faithful to the Kingdom position we have been entrusted with.