My Way or God's Way — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

My Way or God's Way

What is the role of your faith in your workplace? This is a critical question in today’s world. Living in the highly secularized culture of Europe, Paulina asked herself that question and found the answer.

This is Paulina's story.


It took me a while to figure out what God wanted me to focus on. I kept asking God many questions, while in the meantime, getting involved in various activities to see if God would speak.

God kept saying, “Be patient. Trust Me.” I knew I could do things God’s way or my way, and I knew God’s way was the best option.

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For several generations, my family has been infused with an entrepreneurial passion to serve God. My dad, Henryk, was part of the first Christian contemporary band in Poland in the 1970s. My mom was their biggest fan. They toured the country, holding concerts and selling cassette tapes back when my nation was a de-facto satellite state of the Soviet Union. Later, they pioneered several companies in Christian media and technology. Faith has always been a part of our family, and at age eleven, I personally put my faith and trust in Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

God wired me to be a responsible person who pursues high standards of excellence. I am especially attracted to tasks that require complex organizational solutions. Over time, God’s path became clear. He was directing me to work in the secular marketplace where I could aspire to be a light for Christ in the financial services industry, a place where trust is often low. It would not be easy. Naturally introverted, I would have to push myself out of my comfort zone and learn to speak to clients with accuracy and precision while serving and caring for them.

Nine years later, I am a leader in my company, where I integrate my faith into work each day. People appreciate my Christian values of integrity, excellence, and even forgiveness when mistakes are made. Our office has even been recognized as one of the best workplaces in Poland. I feel God’s pleasure in those moments when I know I am doing my part. Any obedience to God is bold. Obedience is laying aside oneself to pursue God’s plan, being salt and light to those around you.

There is no better opportunity to be a witness for Christ than being surrounded by non-Christians for 40 hours a week.

Dare to Ask God to give you boldness at workreflecting the character of Jesus to everyone you encounter.

Until all worship,