More To Desire This Christmas — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

More To Desire This Christmas


Christmas is quickly approaching. As we prepare to celebrate, there is so much we can learn from taking a journey through the story of the first Christmas.

Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem started well before they traveled for the required Roman census. Joseph was engaged to be married to Mary. The marriage was set, the decision was made, and the commitment was sure. Then Mary becomes pregnant. As Mary undoubtedly told him of her experience with the angel Gabriel, and as she steadfastly maintained her claim of fidelity and purity. Can you imagine the emotions Joseph must have felt? Feelings of betrayal, grief, anger, and confusion. Mary’s claims would have obviously seemed impossible, and marriage to her would have been unthinkable and controversial considering the circumstances. 

The Bible says Joseph was a righteous man. It is this righteous heart that positioned him to make that trip to Bethlehem. Joseph wanted to do what was right in God’s eyes. That mattered more to him than what others thought, his place in society, or even his own emotions.

Then, he had a dream. An angel of God validated Mary’s story and told him to go ahead and marry her. The scripture says that Joseph “arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him. (Matthew 1:18-25).” Joseph was a man whose heart was turned towards God. His desire was to do the right thing. A heart that desires to do what is right is a heart that can discern when God speaks.

If we want to journey to where Jesus is, we must have a heart that desires who He is. He will speak, and we will be able to hear His voice and discern His truth when our heart desires what is right.

Dare to ask God to give you a desire to joyfully seek Him in everything you do this Christmas.

ILI's newest YouVersion Bible Reading Plan is now available just in time for Christmas. Take a journey to Bethlehem and experience the story of Christmas as you prepare your heart to receive the greatest gift of all - Jesus. Discover this Bible Reading Plan - Click Here!