Brought up in a poor family in Kenya, I was like many children in my nation, raised by a single mother struggling to raise ten kids. She took us to church where I was baptized, but as a teen I rebelled against God and disobeyed my mother.


Overwhelmed by the darkness of this world, I began having inappropriate relationships with women and turned to alcohol as my answer. I was a disgrace to my family and no one wanted to associate with me, so I ran away and married a beautiful young woman. Soon after, I was caught in adultery and got another woman pregnant.

I hit rock bottom and
nearly ended my life.

I cried out to the Lord and asked Him to deliver me from the spirits waging war on my soul. My wife, whom I neglected and mistreated, displayed great mercy and prayed with me. I even poured my heart out to my older sister, confessing all I had done and been through. I knew I was ready for a new beginning.

Following the violence that resulted from a disputed presidential election, I took refuge at an internally displaced peoples camp here in Kenya where I met brothers from ILI. They invited me to attend a Regional Conference.

For the first time
in 22 years, I experienced
the true love of Christ

I learned how to have an intimate relationship with God and value my family. I was delivered from the spirit of lust, found true peace, and began loving my wife the way God called me to. I've struggled my whole life, but God is mighty to save. I once lived in darkness, but now I walk in the Light.


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It's one day with endless impact. Will you rise to the challenge?

*For privacy, the name and picture of the leader have been changed.