Heal and Forgive — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Heal and Forgive

Saul was wounded at a young age by church members, but God gave him the ability to forgive those who hurt him. Later, God called Saul to a big vision for reaching people with the Gospel. He is also a gifted worship leader and musician featured in a powerful new worship video that debuted globally two weeks ago.

This is Saul's story.

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Growing up, my father was a pastor where we lived in El Salvador, so I had an "inside" view of the Church. The ministry took up a majority of my father’s time, and the congregation treated me harshly for being the pastor’s son. The negativity I experienced caused me to feel distant from God and reject the ministry at a young age. God had greater plans, though. He began to soften my heart and teach me the difference between having religion and a relationship with Him. At the age of 17, I gave my life to Christ.

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God was able to heal deep wounds and give me the strength to forgive the church members who had hurt me in my past

When I turned 21, I felt the call to go to Spain and serve as a missionary. There, I supported many small churches, serving in youth groups and on worship teams. In 2008, an ILI leader in Madrid contacted me about leading music for a leadership training event. That week was a powerful experience in my life. When ILI International Director for Europe, Martin Durham, asked if I would be willing to step up and organize ILI training events for Spain, I was just beginning my career as a pastor.

I had little contact with other ministries and leaders, but I felt God calling me to accept Martin’s request. So I stepped out in boldness and obeyed.

That's when God clearly revealed the vision, “Spain embracing the Gospel of Jesus”. I prayed for God to provide a team of men and women who would faithfully equip leaders and accelerate the spread of the Gospel. He gradually brought two key leaders for the movement, Etechan Butt (Canary Islands) and Silvia Lopez (Barcelona). Since 2010, over forty training events have equipped leaders throughout Spain. Having planted five churches, the ILI Eight Core Values have greatly impacted my preaching and the congregations. Spain is embracing the Gospel as leaders boldly preach God's Word, invest in equipping leaders, and share the vision of being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

Dare to Ask God to heal your deepest wounds so you may forgive others and live out the calling God has given you.

Until all worship,


A Powerful Global Worship Experience
Watch Saul and others from the ILI's global worship team in a new video, featuring "Revelation Song."

ILI recently hosted the 2nd Global Online Summit debuting a new worship song with ILI leaders, singers, and musicians from all around the world.