From One Nation to Many
It was August of 1998 in Ascuncion, Paraguay, we sat down for a meal with our new friends, Norival and Cristina Trindade. Wes looked at Norival and Cristina and said, “What do you see is the most important thing that is needed to accelerate the spread of the Gospel?” They answered, “The world needs more leaders.” Our hearts were knit together. Norival and Cristina became part of the founding team at the International Leadership Institute and we have co-labored together for more than two decades.
This is their story.
I was working as a surgeon and living in a prosperous Brazilian community with my wife, Cristina. Our future looked bright, but as we huddled around two of our best friends to pray and commission them to full-time ministry, I got the sense our entire lives were about to change.
As we said “Amen,” Cristina and I exchanged one glance, and we knew God had spoken to our hearts.
He was calling us to take our two children, leave the medical practice, our home, and everything we knew to serve as missionaries in a foreign country. The Lord had been preparing us for this moment. Paraguay seemed to be where He was leading, but what would the mission look like? How would our two small children adjust to such a big change? The questions filled our minds, but as we prayed, the calling became stronger.
Five days later, my father, who planted the Methodist denomination in Paraguay, shared that his team had been given a fully equipped mobile medical unit. That was our confirmation. After seminary, our family moved to Asuncion, Paraguay to launch the medical mission. For the next ten years, we provided care to thousands of impoverished Paraguayans, assisted in church planting, and mentored numerous men and women.
The ministry was growing, but our hearts began to feel a burden for leaders and unreached people around the world. Three times, we received the same prophetic word from different individuals:
“God called you to one nation. Now, He will send you to many.”
As we prayed and wrestled with this prophecy, a special encounter happened. In 1998, Wes Griffin visited our mission. He shared the vision for a new organization, and we experienced a nudge from the Holy Spirit. God was asking us to take another bold step, so we accepted the invitation to join ILI’s founding team. God’s Word spoken over us came to pass. We now travel to work with thousands of leaders around the world on the ILI Global Team.
Dare to Ask God to direct your next steps towards the place He is calling you to boldly go!
Until all worship,
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?