Following the Right Path

Years ago, I had the experience of walking to an obscure village in the mountains of Honduras. It had recently rained, and the steep, rocky terrain was made more treacherous by the mud, the puddles, and the slipperiness of the rocks. I was having difficulty navigating the path without stepping into deep puddles of mud or even falling. One of the locals, who knows the path well, came to my rescue.


"He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake." - Psalm 23:3

He went ahead and motioned for me to step where he stepped. When I did that, the route became much easier to manage. The one who knew the path walked ahead and showed me the way. As long as I stepped where he stepped, I had no problem with the journey's difficulties.

When God is our Shepherd, we are led away from sin and into paths of righteousness. The Good Shepherd always desires what is best for the sheep, even if they are unaware of what's best. God set up parameters that will keep us on a path free from sin. His Word is truth, light, and life.

The word "path" in Psalm 23 means "tracks." The Good Shepherd not only leads us to the right path, but He walks ahead of us, making tracks in the path for us to follow. God took on human flesh and walked among us. He left His footprints of how to live in this world, and all we must do is follow in His steps. So incredible are His footprints that He not only shows us the way, but He is The Way.

When the Lord is our Shepherd, we can walk in His steps. When we do, even the most challenging places in our lives can be navigated safely.

Dare to Ask God to be your guiding steps as you allow Him to bring you to the path of righteousness.

In His grace,


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