Everyone is born into a family.
Your family may be living according to the best ideals of a godly family. Perhaps, it is a place of security and wholeness.
OR, your family could be broken and dysfunctional with many difficulties and challenges. In this case, your family might be a place where you have experienced debilitating hurt and pain.
Whether you come from a whole or broken family, whether you are single or married, God’s perfect desire is that your family be a place where you experience God’s presence and grace.
Most of us have had positive and negative experiences in our family structures. In the weeks ahead, we hope to cast a compelling vision of the importance of family, while also dealing sensitively with the pain that many people experience from their own families.
There will be a day when Christ returns and our family (both in blood and in Spirit) who have placed their faith in Him will be reunited. Then, all the family struggles and pain you have experienced will be no more! We will be in perfect relationship with God and with our Christian brother and sisters.
Until that day, we should all follow the instructions found in Ephesians 4:32,
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
What is your family experience? Is you family a place of blessing or a place of heartache, or some of both? Let us know in the comments below how to pray for you and your family situation.
Dare to ask God for Him to reveal what you need, right now, in your family,
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