Yesterday, in the USA, we celebrated Father’s Day. I spent much of last week thinking about my father. He had a stroke when he was 52 years old that left him paralyzed on the left side of his body and unable to speak. I was 28 years old at the time.
My dad loved his three children. He gave us a great education, disciplined us when we needed it, and provided us with a secure home. He was a protector and provider. After the stroke, I spent at least one day, each week, visiting him in the hospital. He could communicate by nodding his head or by squeezing my hand. It was painful watching his body slowly wither, yet each visit was still filled with love and the special bond we held.
He lived this way for three years, until one day, I pulled up the bed sheet to check on his feet. His paralyzed foot was almost black. After a few moments of silence, I looked into his eyes and asked a question that I never thought I would ask him, “Dad, are you ready to go to heaven? Would you like me to pray that you will go soon?” He nodded, “Yes,” and so I prayed.
God was merciful, and later that night, my father quietly entered Heaven.
I thank God for my dad’s life and the impact he had on mine. Now, I am daring to ask God to help me be a good father to my children and leave a lasting legacy on their lives.
Friend, have you thought about your legacy? Have you considered the important opportunity that you have to influence future generations?
Comment below or Write me, and share about the legacy you hope to leave.
Dare to Ask God,
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?