Boldly Serving Behind the Scenes — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Boldly Serving Behind the Scenes

Hie is a consummate servant leader. She was equipped at the 2006 Malaysia National Conference, the first ILI training event for her nation. Her leadership is an integral part of the ILI Asia Pacific Team, helping to coordinate conferences, overseeing material translation, and serving on the training faculty.

This is Hie's story.


I grew up in Malaysia and came from a Christian family. During my youth, though, I realized my family’s faith did not make me a Christian. I knew I had to personally accept Christ as my Savior to experience salvation. I made that life-changing decision and have been walking faithfully with the Lord ever since. While I was working in my church, God equipped me with the gift of administrative, “background” work.

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In 2006, I was invited to be a part of the team hosting a leadership training event as well as attend as a participant. I gladly agreed to the opportunity. That training event forever changed my walk with God as I learned the importance of going deeper to experience greater intimacy with Him.

Since then, I have helped with other training events in Malaysia. God has called me and gifted me to strategically work in the background, scheduling, communicating with presenters, preparing materials, and fulfilling other tasks needed for the event to be successful and impactful for His Kingdom. Only a few years into my partnership with ILI, I was asked to help coordinate the translation of the materials from English to Mandarin.

Most Christians from Chinese-speaking churches in my state often only attend Chinese-speaking events due to the language barrier, so I understood the importance of having this material in Mandarin. 

Now, we have two translations available for our people in their own language, Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia (for the indigenous group). For me, bold obedience is faithfully serving in the context of the gifts God has given me. 

Leaders are needed to faithfully teach and preach the Word of God, but leaders are also needed to serve others in the background.

Dare to Ask God to show you where you can serve (behind the scenes) to boldly make an impact for Jesus.

Until all worship,