Acknowledging the Sacrifice
There is no greater demonstration of God’s passion for his people than the pain of the crucifixion. In a heroic display of love, Jesus allowed the betrayal that placed Him into the hands of those who wanted Him dead.

After he faced a trial where He was beaten and mocked, Jesus was handed over to the brutal power of Rome to be hung on a cross until he was dead—the price to be paid for our sins. “Like a lamb led to the slaughter,” He went to His death, taking the sins of the world upon Himself.
Scripture reveals that God longs for people. Upon the cross, Jesus gave his life so you would know God’s love. The Bible says in Romans 5:8,
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Have you personally experienced God’s love? Have you acknowledged the agonizing and ultimate sacrifice that Christ made on your behalf?
Dare to Ask God to show you the depth of His love,
Have you ever wondered if you are truly living for the kingdom of God? Just look at what you treasure the most as you strive to use your desires for God’s glory.
We tend to think our possessions only belong to us, but as we look deeper into Scripture, we see stewardship stands in contrast with this natural tendency because God is the owner of everything.
Experience a true encounter with Jesus this Easter. Personal conversion involves a transformation of your heart, not just information in your head.
It's time to move beyond your failures as you Dare to Ask God to show you how His grace defines you more than your mistakes.
We can't avoid our struggles in life, but as Easter approaches, we can respond to our trials by reflecting on the character of Jesus.
This Christmas, discover how the best gift may not be found under the tree, but it has already been delivered to you in the manger!
Praise God we have a Good Shepherd who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in His steadfast love and faithfulness.
Discover why you are uniquely wired to wonder about eternity and wrestle with the truth that there is more to life than your time on Earth.
When we are in need of a victory, the Good Shepherd will take our battlefields and turn them into banquet tables.
What happens to you when you find yourself in the deep and dark valleys of life? God gives us comfort even when we are at our lowest.
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?