Faced with Decisions? Listen to these Advisors
The current Coronavirus Pandemic has lasted several months now. Throughout this ordeal, leaders at all levels have had to make difficult decisions. To close or not to close, horizontal or vertical isolation, to wear masks or not to wear masks. Now that the worst is over for many countries, governments and leaders will be forced to make even more difficult decisions: to open or not to open borders, to restart businesses or to have them remain closed. Perhaps the most important question is how to determine the pace in which our daily activities should go back to what they were before.
For leaders, every day is a day of decisions, but in a crisis like this, every decision has serious consequences. The cost of our decisions is high, no matter which way we go. Of course, only the worst leaders make decisions without consulting others. Political leaders usually have advisors around them. As biblical leaders, here are three advisors we should listen to when confronted with tough decisions (easy ones too, if there even is such thing).
Listen to the data. Making decisions based on hunches is for detective movies. The best decisions are based on solid data. I even wrote a post about it a few months ago.
Listen to the experts. It is rare for the mayor of a city or president of a country to be a medical professional, much less an expert on epidemiology. Political leaders surround themselves with the best experts on the subject. Now, listening to these experts’ advice is another matter altogether. The only way to take advantage of having experts near you is to listen to their advice.
Listen to the Word of God. Of course, there is nothing in the Bible about COVID-19, although there is plenty of good advice for preventing infections in the Biblical text. What is pretty clear in His word is the call to compassion, loving our neighbor and servant leadership, among many other core values that should guide our responses as followers of Jesus Christ. And for those of us who are Evangelical, who believe the inerrancy and inspiration of the Bible, it should be the priority in our decision, even if data or experts disagree with it.
So, whether you are making life and death decisions or making strategic plans to face the future after COVID-19, listen to these three sources and you will make sound decisions that will further your vision.
Data and information are essential for knowing how effective your organization or ministry is, but knowing the right data to measure is the most important key to your success.