We attended a family wedding this past weekend. The wedding was on a farm in an outdoor chapel, only large enough for the most immediate family.  The reception was down the hill from the chapel, under a canopy, surrounded by white lights, greenery, flowers, and God’s creation. My wife, our four children, their spouses, and our nine grandchildren were all there, and each had a wonderful time.

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It was great to see family, friends, enjoy delicious food, and celebrate a Christian marriage, but even more profound was my reflection on the event based on the view of one of my granddaughters.

First, upon arriving at the event and seeing all the white lights and lit torches surrounding the reception area, she exclaimed, “It is magic wonderland!” She, and all the other children had a wonderful time, eating the good food, seeing the bride and groom, getting to run and play with each other, and experiencing some delightful surprises like picking fruit from some fruit trees and seeing horses in their stalls. Then, the band began to play, and they were able to dance with pure joy as only little children are able to do.

When it was time for my granddaughter to leave with her parents, she fought them with all her might, pleading for more time saying, “But I don’t want the party to be over!!”

It was then that I realized there is no better parallel for Heaven than the one God had given us in a wedding feast through the eyes of a little girl.


Upon our arrival, we will see the lights and describe it all as a “Magic Wonderland.”  It won’t be magic at all, of course, but will be so immeasurably more than we could ever conceive, it may seem as though it is! All our senses will taste and see that the Lord is good through the food, fragrance, sights, and sounds that will be there.  Some of the beauty may be what we expected, but there will be new wonders that come as a complete surprise to us.  We will hear the music, then dance with purity and joy. After which, we will fix our eyes on the Bridegroom, as He enters with His eternal Bride. We will look down at our new garments, and the heart cry of everyone will be, “I don’t want the party to end!”  And it will never end, for the Bridegroom will dwell for eternity with His Bride.

Jesus gives you the invitation. He has made the preparations. He has paid for it all.  Don’t miss the party.