The Most Engaged Bible Verse of 2019 — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

The Most Engaged Bible Verse of 2019

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How did God move in your life in 2019? 

Was it full of hopeful changes which caused you to praise and worship Him more? Did you face obstacles that prompted you to fall on your knees, crying, and asking God for help? 

One of the ways God is moving and active is through His word. The most engaged Bible Verse of 2019 through the YouVersion Bible app was Phillipians 4:6

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. 
Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.” 

YouVersion, an app whose mission is to help people grow in their relationship with God by engaging with the Bible, saw its users engage 30% more with the Bible in 2019 than in 2018. Incredibly, 400 million around the world have installed and are engaging with the through this app. To download YouVersion, click here.

Christ is calling you to come to Him in prayer. Regardless of your present anxieties, regardless of the worries that not even a new year could eliminate, God wants to hear from you. Ask God to meet your needs and thank Him for what He has already done.  

Will you take your cares to God and pray about everything in 2020? 

Your gracious and loving Father longs to hear from you. Dare to Ask God to make His presence known in your life today.