When God is Silent — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

When God is Silent

Many of us have times in which we can sense God’s presence. Those are such sweet seasons in our lives. To be able to experience the reality of God’s love, power and wisdom in our lives is a precious gift. It is so encouraging and it adds to our faith. They don’t cause us anxiety, make us lose sleep, or intimidate us, because we know that God is with us, God is for us, and God is greater than our difficulties. Even if there are difficulties that arise, we are able to navigate things better with God's presence.

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As long as there is Hope

But what about those times when we do not sense the presence of God? Those times when we face the struggles of life and God seems to be silent. Those times in which we “wait patiently on the Lord,” and then we wait, and wait, and wait, with no response. No sense of God’s presence. These are the moments of greatest difficulty for us. Our problems seem to grow larger and heavier with each passing day. We can’t understand what is happening, where God is, and why He is silent. What is happening when God is silent?

3 things to remember in times of silence

There are three things that I want to suggest are going on when God is silent. These three things are of critical importance to our moving through the silent times and into seasons of refreshing.

Still Working

The first thing we need to remember when God is silent is that God is still working. The popular song Waymaker by Sinach highlights this when it says, “Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working. Even when I can’t see it, You’re working. You never stop, You never stop working.”

Even better, the scripture tells us that God, who is our helper,
“neither slumbers nor sleeps.” - Psalm 121

The words used here are not simply repetitive, but indicate that God does not ever get tired. He doesn’t grow weary or need sleep. He is always active and vigilant. This means that God never stops working on our behalf.


Secondly, God is still faithful. The last sentence of the 100th Psalm tells us that God’s faithfulness extends to all generations. Deuteronomy 7:9 says: “Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments.”

The silence of God in any given moment has nothing to do with the faithfulness of God. God is every bit as faithful when He is silent as when He is speaking clearly and loudly.


Finally, God is purposeful. Not only is God still faithfully working even when He is silent, but He is working toward a specific purpose. God even has a purpose for his silence. In fact, sometimes when God is the most silent, He is preparing you for His greatest purposes. Consider the fact that God was silent to all of His people for 400 years after speaking to Malachi, the last of the Old Testament prophets. After the prophetic ministry of Malachi came to a close, there was a period of 400 years of God being silent. When God did speak again, however, it was to reveal the greatest purpose for His people. After 400 years of silence, God revealed the Savior of  the world, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, Immanuel. During every moment of those 400 silent years, God was purposefully preparing to come to be with His people like never before. And from that time until now, He remains, Immanuel, God with us. Sometimes silent, but always working, always faithful, always purposeful, always with us.