There I was, sitting in a prison cell. It wasn’t where I thought I’d be in my life. It wasn’t where my loved ones thought I’d be. All my tribesmen and immediate family tried to rescue me from the pit I was in, but it wasn’t until I was in a prison cell that I felt God’s conviction.
After I was released, I went to a street corner and decided the best way to straighten myself up was to kneel down. On my knees before the Lord, I paused. When I opened my mouth to utter the first special word for prayer, a strong thought entered my mind, “You are a sinner. Your prayers won’t be heard.” I told myself,
If I ever had the chance to receive
God’s favor, I would follow Him forever.
Right there on the street corner, I was converted and declared Jesus as Lord. Since that moment, my heart has been on fire for missions. I was appointed as the Youth, Children, and Missions Ministries Coordinator in my province, and had the opportunity to be connected with ILI. I am thankful for the fellowship of believers among the ILI Team who helped me realize my original dream.
*For security purposes, the name and picture of the leader have been changed.
Tabitha loves the Bible and loves children, but when faced with the daunting reality of nearly three million orphans in her nation, she lacked the vision to make a difference. Little did she know, God had BIG plans to use Tabitha's love for the Word to make history in Kenya.