How 35,897 People Became Agents of Transformation
During the month of January, ILI leaders from around the world reported their training events from last year. Then, it was time to add the numbers, analyze them, and prepare a detailed report for all of those who helped make it all happen, our volunteer leaders, supporters, and prayer partners. After it was all said and done, we can say 2019 was another excellent year from this worldwide leadership development movement we call the Global ILI Team: There were 933 Training events in 105 countries of the world. 35,807 men and women were equipped for leadership and embraced the Eight Core Values of the leaders who change history. Then they were sent out to multiply themselves and accelerate the spread of the Gospel. You can check out the full annual report by clicking here.
Transformational Testimonies
Separating a few days to be in God’s presence with a group of peers creates the perfect atmosphere for transformative learning. Looking at those Eight Core Values often generates tension and even a crisis in the minds and hearts of leaders. God’s Spirit touches them and points the way forward. The practical teachings provide relevant tools to implement change. The result is often a testimony of life-transformation, a turning point in their life.
On the other hand, we often asked about the long-term impact of all those conferences. Did those 35,000+ leaders really experience lasting transformation? To answer those questions, an independent survey was conducted with over 731 ILI alumni, who were asked to evaluate the ILI experience and their leadership before and after the training. These are the results when leaders are equipped, and they embrace the Eight Core Values.
Faith-Sharing. Most alumni surveyed reported increase in evangelization in their leadership as a result of the training.
Discipleship. Jesus called us to make disciples, not just converts. Leaders who embrace the challenge of the Great Commission and the value of multiplication are seeing more believers built up into discipleship than before.
Mobilization. The Church has a job to do, a calling from God. Leaders are to blow the trumpet, issue the calling, and mobilize people. As leaders embrace the core values of passion, vision, evangelization, and others, more followers of Jesus are mobilized to engage in the work.
Multiplication. Alumni surveyed reported more leaders being developed as a result of embracing the Eight Core Values. It is only natural, as Paul’s principle from 2 Timothy 2:2 is central to the ILI vision and teaching.
Service. As leaders embrace and live these values, their personal lives, churches, and organizations see an increase in engagement with those in need.
Church Planting. The Gospel advances mainly through the establishment of faith communities. Many of the leaders who embraced the Eight Core Values saw churches being planted in their ministries.
Transformation. Whether in small groups of people, churches, organizations, or perhaps entire societies, our leaders perceived positive change as a result of the personal changes in their lives.
What are the core values that govern your life? I can affirm without a doubt that embracing Intimacy with God, Passion for the harvest, Visionary Leadership, Culturally Relevant Evangelism, Multiplication of Leaders, Family Priority, Faithful Stewardship, and Integrity will forever change your leadership. It happened to me, and I have seen it happen to thousands of men and women around this world.
The results are in, and we have so many amazing ways to share with you how God has used the entire ILI Global family including all the leaders and alumni to make an impact on the spread of the Gospel in 2022.