After retiring, Abraham thought his life would slow down, but God had a different plan. Feeling a deep passion in his heart for the Nepali-speaking people of India, he decided to start a ministry in 2000. He wanted to reach the Hindus and Buddhist with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He cried out for God to make a way, to allow him to continue his ministry. God heard his prayers and answered with four faithful hearts. Abraham was so grateful to God for these amazing people to work along side him, spreading the Gospel.

Over the last 17 years, Abraham and his team have led sixty families to Christ and built five village churches. They continue to share the love of Christ, leading more and more people to the Kingdom of God. Abraham had a great passion, but God was not finished yet.
Attending an ILI National Conference in 2017, Abraham felt the Lord laying two of the Core Values on his heart, Faithful Stewardship and Transformational Leadership. During these sessions, he realized God was calling him to hand over the ministry he was leading to a God-fearing leader. Someone with a deep, intimate relationship with God. Join us in prayer for Abraham and his ministry.
Has God laid something on
your heart recently?
Let us hear about it, we would
love to pray for you!
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?
Do you know someone who recently became a believer in Jesus? Read this week’s blog to learn how you can help them become a disciple for Christ.
We live in an age when reaching our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and ends of the earth is right at our fingertips. Check out these seven simple tips to make an impact in the lives of others sharing your faith online.
The global pandemic disrupted our normal life, but we have found unique advantages to interact and experience community with others through technology. Here are five reasons you should engage with online evangelism.
Our belief in Jesus Christ calls us to be bold and obedient in our faith. What does that look like in our daily lives? Here are four great examples.
Do you have what it takes to change history? Ask yourself these 7 questions to find out!
There are many ways we can serve others in our leadership, but the best way to start is by putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Read this to learn how to anticipate the needs of those we lead.
The seed that fell on good soil yielded a great harvest, but none of the other seeds ever yielded a harvest at all. There is much to be learned from studying the things that keep the harvest from being realized.
Check out this post on lessons learned from the response of our Algerian Brothers and Sisters to the persecution they are currently facing. Will you help raise awareness?
In less than a month a group of History Makers from around the world will walk from Auschwitz, Poland to Malenovice, Czech Republic. That's 60 MILES! Read here to find out why!
God is moving in big ways through Chinese Christians. With their five core values they have seen exponential growth in the Church. How would you like to be a part of a church like that?
It takes sacrifices to help the lost experience to faith. How have you made sacrifices in your life lately for the sake of the Gospel?