This week I heard a very disturbing news report. In Pakistan, the police raided an apartment and found 24 people imprisoned and waiting to have their kidneys removed against their will to be sold in the illegal organ market. Commercial trafficking of human organs for transplant is a global practice. Thousands of the world’s poorest sell organs voluntarily, but this case is especially heinous because these people were being held against their will and would have been seriously hurt if the police had not intervened.


Every person is valuable to God. Each victim in Pakistan was created in God’s image, for whose salvation Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Every one of them is the object of God’s love and a potential recipient of God’s grace. Paul states clearly,

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God
that brings salvation to everyone who believes.
Romans 1:16


This eternal, biblical truth has tremendous implications. If Christ died for my neighbor, then my attitude, my interactions, and my approach to life needs to be impacted by this truth.

  • Passion. If every life matters, the central passion of my life should be to offer others the opportunity to experience Christ and the power of the Gospel.

  • Vision. Vision is a mental image of a preferable future. In that future, my neighbor is experiencing the fullness of life in Christ. This is why my vision will always be part of fulfilling the Great Commission.

  • Cultural Relevance. Seeing others' value leads me to communicate the Gospel with clarity.

  • Legacy. Christ called us to make disciples of all nations. Discipleship is about a person-to-person life investment.

  • Stewardship. Viewing people as the ultimate object of God’s love affects my priorities and the investments I choose to make.

  • Integrity. It is not enough to preach the Gospel. We must walk our talk, lead by example, and show the world we are becoming more like Jesus every day.


Many years ago, a pastor and ILI alumni donated part of his liver to a member of his church. He put himself at risk to save the life of another. Today, both he and the organ recipient are living testimonies of God’s love.

When we view others through the eyes of God and understand the true value of a person, everything we say, do, and think is dramatically affected. Though God may not be asking us to literally give part of our bodies, there are plenty of opportunities to express the love of God towards others whom Christ died for.

by Norival Trindade