What Stops Revival?
Revival is powerful. It is transformational. It is the hope of every generation, and the need of every people. Let’s make sure that we don’t impede revival with poor substitutes for repentance.
Revival is powerful. It is transformational. It is the hope of every generation, and the need of every people. Let’s make sure that we don’t impede revival with poor substitutes for repentance.
Relax! I know we often consider that day when history, as we know it, will come to an end and every human being that ever lived will stand before the throne of God, but this is not a post about that. The Bible says we will escape final judgment because of what Christ did for us, but His sacrifice does not exempt us from giving an account to God of how we lived out the faith which saved us.
By now, many people have already abandoned their New Year resolutions. If this is you, know this: You may have failed, but you are not defeated. “A righteous man falls seven times, but rises again” (Prov. 24:16). Are you ready to reboot your resolutions?