Why Was John Allen Chau Willing To Die?
As the Body of Christ, we must share Chau’s same passion for the unreached people groups. Does your heart burn with a passion for the lost to hear the Good News?
As the Body of Christ, we must share Chau’s same passion for the unreached people groups. Does your heart burn with a passion for the lost to hear the Good News?
When Maria's church was ready to send their first missionary, all eyes were on her. But when the cost seemed too high for a woman with so little, she had to choose faith or fear. Check out Maria's bold response to God's call and the incredible story of how He came through just in time.
Sometimes people think missionaries are a special breed — strong, mighty, beautiful, and well-educated. The truth is, most are just normal, everyday people with a willingness to go. Are you willing to be used by God?
After a short-term mission trip to India, Peter questioned who would tell those who haven't heard the Gospel in India. God's answer to him was simple... "You will."
When Maria's church was ready to send their first missionary, all eyes were on her. But when the cost seemed too high for a woman with so little, she had to choose faith or fear. Check out Maria's bold response to God's call and the incredible story of how He came through just in time.
We all make big decisions. Changing jobs, starting a business, getting married, having children, or buying a house are not decisions one should take lightly. Before jumping all in, consider these four steps to making any major life change.