Choose Your Battles Carefully
Some battles are not worth fighting. We have all heard this expression, but how can we tell which ones do require our attention? This week's blog will help you in the battle to pick your battles!
Some battles are not worth fighting. We have all heard this expression, but how can we tell which ones do require our attention? This week's blog will help you in the battle to pick your battles!
Are we actually doing more harm than good by doing nothing at all? Do we hurt those in need by taking no action at all? It's time for us to do stand up and do something!
We often settle for what is good. Good church, good ideas, good projects, good visions, good goals, and so on. The problem with good is it isn’t bad. We can easily discern what is bad, but what also distracts us from God’s greatness is a focus on things that are good, but don’t make it to the level of greatness.
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him..." (Romans 8:28). This is a great verse, but it is one we would prefer was needed to encourage others rather than ourselves. What would happen if we totally bought in to Romans 8:28?