God's Creation

The Power of the Ordinary

The Power of the Ordinary

There is much power in the “the little things” of life. God tells us this throughout His Word. Little things and humble beginnings can become monumental to God.

Appreciation of the Ordinary

Appreciation of the Ordinary

We see the grandeur of mountains and the vast beauty of oceans, but if we are not careful, we will experience them as just ordinary things, not as the world of beauty that only God could fashion. In a museum filled with masterpieces, to see a great work of art is normal, but that makes it no less a masterpiece.

Living Like a Tree

Living Like a Tree

If you are struggling in the season God has placed you, perhaps there is a lesson you can learn from the trees. Read this week’s blog and discover the blessing God has for each season, even the barren and fruitless ones.