Kelly Phillips is a History Maker with a passion to see the Gospel spread to her generation. As a full-time staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) in California, Kelly has been spending her recent days raising support.
In this podcast episode, Kelly explains the role of mission support and its critical place of partnership in extending the Gospel. She also discusses how mission supporters can be centrally involved in the work of those they support through finances, encouragement, communication, and prayer.
We live in an age when reaching our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and ends of the earth is right at our fingertips. Check out these seven simple tips to make an impact in the lives of others sharing your faith online.
Hoarders collect and save. Stewards trust God with what they have been given. How are you using what God has entrusted to you?
2020 was a leap year which means there was one more day added to the calendar. While it may have seemed as if any other day, we challenge you in this blog to consider how you would spend your time if you were truly given one extra day!
While its not possible to add more hours to the day, there are five hacks for ensuring you are maximizing your day! Don’t waste more time, find out these hacks now!
Whether you are materially rich or poor, all that you “have” belongs to God. Check out these four truths about money and material wealth.
One small act could change the course of someones life and ultimately history. Here are 8 ways to be the leader who can CHANGE history.
Do you have a desire to grow in your walk with Christ? Read about four characteristics that are essential to grow into full maturity.
The benefits of exercise for the body are obvious, but science has uncovered many positive effects of working out for our mind and our emotions. Check out these six benefits of regular exercise and how they enhance your leadership abilities.
It's easy to give thanks to the Lord when things are going well, but how often do we give that same thanks during rough times? Give thanks to the Lord, and pray without ceasing.
All it takes is one man (or woman) to take action, make an impact, and change history. What can you do to become a leader and make a difference for the kingdom of God?
Time is priceless. It can not be saved, bought, borrowed, or sold. What are you doing to make the most of the time you have been given?
Time is priceless. It can not be saved, bought, borrowed, or sold. What are you doing to make the most of the time you have been given?