There was once a series of TV advertisements where people proposed to improve their health by only doing one thing. For example, a guy did one push up and expected to get in shape. Another ate one piece of broccoli then stepped on the scale to see if he had lost weight. They finally explained how their product could make a significant difference in people’s cholesterol and overall health with only one pill a day.
What if there was one thing we
could do tomake a significant difference in eternity?
Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy
Let me be very clear about one important point: I don’t mean the “thing” that will change the world will be an easy one. We want to make a difference, but if we are honest, many of us would admit we want our “one thing” to be effortless.
We want to be in shape, but we don’t want to exercise (at least not much). We want good grades, but we don’t want to spend our weekend studying rather than relaxing or playing. We want to advance in our careers, but we don’t want to go to work early or stay late.
We want to lose weight, but we also want a piece of chocolate pie.
Making a Difference for God
If we want to make a difference in the world for God and His Kingdom, there is one, very simple thing we can do. Although not easy, Jesus told us something simple all of us can do that He obviously thought would make a huge impact. He said,
The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.— Matthew 9:37-38
Pretty simple, right? Pray for more workers. Part-time, full-time, credentialed or not, old or young, rich or poor, ordained or lay...
simply pray asking God to send more workers who will work for His harvest.
This is what Jesus told us to do.
A Challenge
Do you think this is something you can do on a regular basis? Do you pray for your church to have pastors and missionaries raised up from the ranks? Do you pray for your sons and daughters to be harvest workers? Do you pray for the workers who you know are working? Do you pray for God’s people to be harvest workers regardless of their vocation?
Are you willing to be the answer to your own prayer
and ask God to help you be a harvest worker?
It takes sacrifices to help the lost experience to faith. How have you made sacrifices in your life lately for the sake of the Gospel?