It is amazing what we can do with GPS technology. For most, a GPS is used to find a friend’s house or get across town in the shortest possible time, but today, global positioning systems are also essential to many jobs. From flying airplanes to shooting missiles to tracking endangered whales, a GPS has a way of guiding us to where we are aimed.


If you use a GPS to find a place or seek directions, the first thing you do before moving your vehicle is enter the destination. Without that information, your GPS is useless. It can show you precisely where you are, but it cannot help you reach where you are going.

Eight months of the year are already behind us, only four remain until the new year. If you are a visionary leader, this is the time to get a head start on setting your "2017 GPS" through goalsetting.


Goalsetting is one of the hallmarks of a successful leader. Yes, vision is important, but successful, biblical leaders execute a carefully planned, God-inspired set of goals. Here are five powerful benefits to setting your GPS and pursuing your destination:

  1. Purpose and Direction. Living by a set of God-inspired goals will orient our life.

  2. Focus and Simplicity. When you set goals, your daily decision process is easier. Every opportunity is measured against those set goals. Opportunities that move you closer to achieving a goal become a priority; otherwise, they are given lower priority.

  3. Position. The GPS plots the path to our chosen destination (goal) and gives updates with every turn. A good GPS will position you in relationship to your destination, telling you how far you have traveled, the distance remaining, and the estimated time of arrival. Goalsetters have a better grasp of where they are because they know their destination.

  4. Increased Faith. Setting goals is an exercise of faith. For natural leaders, goalsetting puts faith in the human spirit. For the biblical leader, goalsetting puts faith in “Him who can do immeasurably more…” (Eph. 3:20).

  5. Success and Encouragement. Reaching your goals is a great source of encouragement. Of course, you have to be disciplined to set goals in the first place.

As leaders, men and women of influence, and children of God who want to carry God’s vision and lead His people, it is imperative for us to be “ahead of the curve.” January may be a good time for others to set goals, but for visionary leaders, the time to begin thinking of our vision and God-inspired goals for the coming year is NOW!


Are you ready to set your life GPS for 2017? Are you thinking ahead about what God wants to accomplish through you next year?

by Norival Trindade