Seven Words that Can Change Your Year — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Seven Words that Can Change Your Year


God is looking for men and women who will live with bold faith, who will be unashamed of the Gospel, and who will join God on His mission to reach the world.

These are seven simple words, and they convey the heartbeat of Dare to Ask God.


The Apostle Paul wrote in the Book of Romans:

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes . . .”  - Romans 1:16

At one time in his life, Paul opposed the Gospel so much that he persecuted and tortured Christians. Then, God confronted him with His grace, and Paul’s life was transformed. He turned from darkness to light, from evil to righteous. His sins were washed away. His guilt and shame were removed. He received a new heart and a new purpose.

What was his new cause? To be bold in sharing his newfound faith, to act unashamed as he proclaimed the truth of Jesus, and to be on mission with God for the redemption of the world.

What does your life look like right now? Do you have a bold faith? Does your life have a clear purpose? Are you unashamed of the Gospel?

Dare to ask God to show you how to take your faith to the next level and live boldly for Him.