Jesus once told a story about a very wealthy man. The man had barns filled with crops, and still his crops were producing more. Even in his abundance, there was always more available for him to collect. His only real problem was he had no place to store the over-abundance, so he made a decision based on greed and self-interest. His solution was to build bigger barns to heap unto himself greater resources and greater wealth; so he did (Luke 12:16-19).


We tend to think the more we have, the more important we are. I guess being wealthy makes us feel like nobility. As if we are in the “ruling class” when we have our portion with the “haves” rather than with the “have-nots.” This is just the norm for our society. It is reflected in various colloquial expressions such as “money talks,” “money makes the world go round,” and “he who dies with the most toys, wins.” We understand wealth brings power, opportunity, respect, and prestige. The affluent are the ones with the court-side seats, the luxury cars, and the entourage. Their voices can be heard at anytime, and what they say matters. The wealthy are the nobility of our day. 


But not in God’s eyes. In the biblical story, Jesus says this rich man is a fool. To live out of selfishness and greed is a foolish way to live. It is not satisfying, and there is certainly nothing noble about hoarding that wealth (Luke 12:20-21). The truth is, we don’t really own anything. “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it...” (Psalm 24:1), and all we have is the incredible honor and responsibility to manage what ultimately belongs to God. Scripture says, "We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it"  (1 Timothy 6:7). Therefore, “barn decisions” are not noble decisions. They are in fact foolish, and even wicked.

Jesus said the servant who simply “stores away” what the Master entrusts to him is a wicked servant.


There is such great need all around us. There are people without food, clean water, medicine, the Bible in their language, and even those who have never heard the message of the Gospel.

In God’s eyes, the one who practices faithful stewardship
through radical generosity is the one who is truly noble

He or she is the one living as a child of the King, demonstrating true nobility. Let’s be good stewards with all God has entrusted to us. Let’s not make “barn decisions.” Let’s make decisions that are truly noble… ones that reflect the heart of the King!

by Jimmy Aycock