My name is Ania, and I'm from Ukraine. While attending a Christian university in Lithuania, I was given the opportunity to work and go to school in the United States as part of an exchange program.

I worked at a fast-food restaurant called Chick-fil-A, where the owner quickly became like family. When I shared with him about the love I had for my school, he told me about History Makers, a week long event where he saw young leaders experience amazing life-transformation. I knew immediately History Makers was something I had to bring to my school in Lithuania.

I began planning the first History Makers Journey in Lithuania, but doubt soon crept in as I no longer felt the encouragement and support I once had. I felt alone. Carrying the weight of planning the first Christian leadership training event in my region, the task seemed impossible.

As I questioned if I heard God's call correctly, I received the affirmation I needed. A man contacted me about the conference and wanted to help. He happened to be one of the founders at my church and on the board at my university! God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. When we maintain faith in Him and His call, He will provide the way. Shortly after, 26 young leaders were equipped at the Lithuania History Makers Journey.

History Makers launched me on the journey of pursuing my God-given vision.
The Lord has touched my heart... I will never turn back.

Ania coordinated the first History Makers Journey in Lithuania in 2014 under the leadership of ILI International Director for Europe, Martin Durham. She now lives in the United States with her husband, who she met while working at Chick-fil-A. She has plans to make History Makers an elective course for the summer term at her university in Lithuania.

Listen to Ania's full story as she shares with ILI Team Talk!



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