2016 was another great year for the ILI Global Team!
God's amazing power and your hard work have resulted in life-transformation for thousands of men and women all over the world. Watch this short video to see the final numbers, then don't forget to share it with your social media family and friends!

Do you know someone who recently became a believer in Jesus? Read this week’s blog to learn how you can help them become a disciple for Christ.
While it is natural for leaders to love to lead, biblical leaders lead to love. Learn these practicals ways to help lead others to love.
We live in an age when reaching our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and ends of the earth is right at our fingertips. Check out these seven simple tips to make an impact in the lives of others sharing your faith online.
Every faith conversation needs to be approached with cultural relevance, sensitivity and power, so that the truth of the Gospel can be understood and received in every culture. Jesus' approach to the proclamation of the Kingdom of God teaches us valuable principles of cultural relevance.
Do you have a desire to grow in your walk with Christ? Read about four characteristics that are essential to grow your faith as a disciple.
One-man bands do it all, but the biblical image of leadership is not about star performers, but more like conductors of an orchestra. Are you conducting a healthy team?