
Knowledge VS Knowing

Knowledge VS Knowing

There is knowledge that is facts and then there is a knowledge that the Bible speaks about. Read this week’s blog to learn about the difference.

Proximity Does Not Equal Intimacy

Proximity Does Not Equal Intimacy

When it comes to our relationship with God, there may be times that, "We can be in the stands but not a fan." Don't be fooled by your proximity to godly things. Instead learn to focus on your intimacy with God.



A single mother in her thirties struggles to forgive her ex-husband but something happens when she attends an ILI Regional Conference. 



Relax! I know we often consider that day when history, as we know it, will come to an end and every human being that ever lived will stand before the throne of God, but this is not a post about that. The Bible says we will escape final judgment because of what Christ did for us, but His sacrifice does not exempt us from giving an account to God of how we lived out the faith which saved us.

Small is the New Big

Small is the New Big

Most people may not know who John Wesley was, but I would argue many (particularly evangelical Christians) have heard his name before. John Wesley was an Anglican priest who founded Methodism in the seventeenth century, but his influence endures today. He was the leader of a spiritual and social revival that changed the face of England, North America, and much of the world. Wesley was a prolific writer and a powerful preacher who spoke to thousands. So, with all of these great accomplishments, what is Wesley’s greatest legacy?